Added value for cyclists. And their hosts.
Many a cyclist takes great pleasure in ploughing through the mud. But coming home with a dirty bike? No-one likes that.

Für Hotels, Kuranstalten & Campingplätze
Tourism professionals and hoteliers have known for a long time: service makes the difference. That applies for the touring cyclists and bikers among the guests too. The BikeGroovy is one of the differences you can make in service. Because it offers your guests the possibility of washing their bikes easily and conveniently after a tour. Added benefit: the washing area stays clean and dry – ultimately, tidy surroundings are also your business card!

Für Städte, Gemeinden & Tourismusverbände
Bikers are a highly attractive target market who spend good money where there is something on offer for them. The ability to clean their bikes after the tour and before the journey home as the sophisticated vehicles deserve: that’s a rare opportunity. Visitors to a cycling destination value such an indicator of ospitality all the more. And food and drinks after the tour taste all the better when they know their bikes are washed and well cared for.

For repair shops and hire stations
The technical features of the BikeGroovy make it a natural ally to every repair shop and every hire station. Whether before servicing or after a tour: the BikeGroovy not only cleans bicycles in an appropriate manner, it also keeps the surrounding area dry. With the perfect ratio of cleaner, water and temperature, as well as gentle pressure, which is good for the bearings as well as the gears, etc. You save time and resources in thorough cleaning as a result